"Eli the Unknown"

Character Analysis

            Hope for Humanity seems sometimes lost, but it is the small acts of kindness that keeps humanity thriving. Some of the greatest leaders are remembered for their acts in civil, political, and human rights campaigns; however, what about the unnamed heroes. The character Eli the Unknown is the sole protagonist in the animated short “Eli the Unknown” by Tenise Roberts. I chose Eli because I can identify with the message he portrays in the animation. Eli is a silent character, but speaks volumes with his kind generous act within the animation. His simplistic and noble approach to bringing a group of diversified individuals together for sharing a moment in humanity.

            Eli the Unknown, names states just what his demeanor portrays in the animated short. He is a mysterious character who appears calm natured from the moment he enters the scene. Eli’s temperament evokes questions and wonder from other figures in the story, making him appear villainous at times. His actions alone draw attention to his character and allows him to gradually become the focal point of the story. Eli does not appear intimidated or shaken by the judgmental crowd. I solely identify with Eli’s ability to stay strong and positive in the face of adversity and criticism. Another strong point would be Eli’s positive will for humanity. As the protagonist of the story, Ali’s resilience to solve a common problem speaks volumes in the overall message and them of the animated short.

Humanity needs more characters like Eli the Unknown spreading unity and positivity. The animated short is definitely an eye opener for many and is relevant in today’s society. The persistent will for change by the character Eli can be seen throughout our cultures today no matter how diverse.


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